How about getting all your friends together to browse and/or plan your own special paper bead necklace?
Maybe you and your friends are into "recycling" and just want personal jewelry made of recycled paper or scrap cloth beaded necklaces, bracelets and earrings.
Maybe you and your friends want jewelry from paper or cloth that carries beautiful memories or just has beautiful colors to match a special outfit.
(Bible pages necklace shown in photo - click to enlarge)
The hostess gets 10% of all sales in credits towards your own purchase of products!
A party is an excellent time to coordinate with me to make a very personal jewelry product.
I love special orders!
* I have made REAL Salt lake soccer bracelets from game brochures. Necklaces from notes written by children in their own handwriting: "I love you Mom, Angie age 5" is a treasure for a lifetime to wear around your neck.
* I have made beads from napkins left over from a baby shower for the Mother-to-be!
* One lady once told me, "if you would make a necklace from my favorite book, "To Kill a Mockingbird", I'd buy it! I found an old discarded copy and the necklace was given to her on her last day as a teacher.
* I have made necklaces from favorite cloths, to favorite colors, to favorite magazines to maps of favorite places! I think I have only begun to scratch the surface!
A hand written note to your children would be something they would cherish forever! "Mother will always with you!" and then your own hand written signature. What child wouldn't love that - a keepsake they can wear!